Die Bonder
With motorized
Z - Axis
HB75 Die Bonder
With motorized
Z - Axis
With our Die Bonder HB75 die bonding tasks can be handled with ease and precise.
Touch Screen
Easy Handling
Control with the 6,5" TFT
Our long tested 6,5“control panel provides you with an intuitive entry bonding with our product. All processes are visible for you at any time.
3in1 Bond Head
Rotatable Bond Head
for changing from dispensing
to stamping and placing
HB75’s rotation bond head includes a pickup tool, a stamping tool and an epoxy dispenser.
Pick & Place
with integrated
With the HB75, picking up chips or small parts from the die carrier and its placement on the substrate is simple and accurate.
Touch Screen
easy handling and control
with the 6,5″ TFT
Epoxy Stamping
fast and precise
stamping process
Epoxy Dispensing
simple and
exact handling